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الصفحة الرئيسية
26 سنوات
After cutting on fat burners, will a person maintain results on the long term or will his body progressively retrieve the fat?
25 يوليو 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
When taking fat burners, usually people are advised to enroll in a good low caloric diet and to exercise regularly so that when stopping the fat burner he will be used to this routine program and stay fit. However, he may gain weight first as a result of eliminating the fat burner from his program, but with a strict diet and paying attention to what he eats plus increasing exercise and calorie loss, he can stay in range of his weight.
But people who lose weight just by taking the pill and their diet exercise program is not well followed, after stopping the pill, there will be an increase in weight gain.
As a result, if a person loses weight because of pill+diet+exercise and then exclude pills, they still have the two diet and exercise but depending only on pills they will find themselves gaining weight with no offender.
However, for a long term effect on weight, the best options are diet and exercise and when you achieve your weight goal, stop and pay attention to what you eat and exercise to stay in the range.