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19 سنوات
After being sexually active, after sexual intercourse a brown discharge starting to come out. And during sex sometimes. What is it?
21 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Most brown vaginal discharges are harmless or a natural process for the female body. Light brown discharges usually go away on their own within a few days. Dark drown discharges can be more serious and should be checked out.

There are a few reasons why a woman's vaginal discharge may be brown in color. The most common two are pregnancy and Perimenopause.

-Pregnancy. A pinkish brown colored discharge is an early sign of pregnancy.
Perimenopause. Perimenopause can cause a light brown discharge, pink, or a yellow discharge. In some women, the discharge may be heavy and uncomfortable.

-Implantation Bleeding. This is another early sign of pregnancy. The discharge can be light brown, pink or red. This type of discharge is normal and usually occurs 10 -14 days after conception. The discharge is caused by the egg implanting itself to the uterine wall. It usually appears as a single smear of discharge not a spotting or flowing type.

-Old Endometrial Tissues. A light brown discharge is common in young girls before they start their menstrual cycle. In women, the discharge is the body's way of releasing any old endometrial tissue that was not shed during the menstrual cycle.

-Atrophic Vaginitis. Atrophic vaginitis can cause a brown discharge, bleeding, pain or itching in the vaginal area. A woman may also experience painful intercourse, burning sensation, dryness; the discharge may be yellow in color and have a foul smell.

-Uterine Polyps. Uterine polyps are also called endometrial polyps. The Polyps can cause a discharge as well as bleeding after intercourse, heavy menstrual bleeding, and abnormal vaginal bleeding.

-STDs. A light brown discharge can be an early symptom of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The most common STDs that cause a discharge include chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and genital warts.

Complications of Brown Vaginal Discharge

-Often the discharge will have a foul odor
-Burning sensation
-Pain in the vaginal area
-Swelling in the vaginal area
-Painful intercourse

Diagnosing the cause of light brown or dark brown vaginal discharge is as easy as visiting the gynecologist. They will be able to determine the cause based on the answers you provide to their questions, a pelvic exam, and possibly some other tests if your pelvic exam does not show a cause for the discharge.

Some conditions that cause a light brown discharge such as pregnancy and implantation bleeding cannot be treated, as they are a natural process the body goes through.

If you have other symptoms or your discharge lasts longer than a few days, it is always a good idea to see your gynecologist. Treating a brown discharge depends on why you are experiencing the discharge.