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الصفحة الرئيسية
32 سنوات
4 seborheic dryskin moisturizer which 1 is preferable sensibio DS (exist in lebanon) aveeno eczema therapy (not) cetaphil moisturizing cream (not) but i can order from outside if it is helpful thanks
30 سبتمبر 2014

د. Rola Al Dhaybi الأمراض الجلدية
Currently all 3 exists in lebanon: Cetaphil moisturizing cream and lately Aveeno has been also available. All are good for dry skin. I would advise you to try them one after the other and whenever satisfied with one of them then keep on using it. Cetaphil also has a moisturizing cleaning lotion that can be used with a cotton that is excellent. You can use it at the same time while using one of the creams, to clean your face once to twice per day instead of washing it with water.