زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
17 سنوات
17 years old male with tachycardia that comes suddenly and unexpectedly every day since a month. today had heart pain similar to what is called "chakke" but in the heart for 5 mins what could it be
12 نوفمبر 2014

د. Nada Awada طب الأسرة
First it is important to know how fast is your heart rate when the tachycardia happens.IS it more than 100beats per minute.SEcond how long does this tachycardia last. Does it last minutes or more.third when yyouu have tachycardia do you have other symptooms like fainting or nausea.and fourrth are there facttors that initiate the fast heart beats liike. Stress,Eexerrcise,.caffeine., .smoking or others.Mild increase in heart rate when you exercise or during stress is temporary and normal.heart riight above 100/minute that comes without a cause and lasts longer time and is repeated should be evaluated by a doctor.the shakke pain is not worrisome and it is not a symptom of heart. disease